A 'Filter Mode' parameter selects the mode of the filter. Available modes are;
- 'Conservative Nudge'; this mode boosts the selected signal linearly, but only if the boost would not yield any overexposure
- 'Nudge (Screen)'; this mode boosts the selected signal by using a Screen overlay operation, boosting the signal non-linearly.
- 'Pass'; only lets through the selected signal and attenuates all other signal.
- 'Reject'; blocks the selected signal, leaving all other signal intact.
- 'Fringe Killer'; Draws colour from neighbouring pixels that are not masked and gives these colors to masked pixels. Note that this mode requires a mask to be set.
- 'Saturate Visual H-alpha'; saturates red coloring. In this mode, the user must click on the coloring that is to be preserved while the H-alpha is boosted.
- 'Saturate Visual H-beta/O-III'; saturates cyan coloring. In this mode, the user must click on the coloring that is to be preserved while the H-beta/O-III is boosted.
The 'Filter Width' parameter specify the responsiveness of neighbouring colors in the spectrum. A small 'Filter Width' will see the module only modify areas with a very precise match in colour to the area selected, while a larger 'Filter Width' will see the module progressively modify areas that deviate in colour from the selected area as well.
The 'Sampling Method' mode selects how a click on the image samples the image. The '3x3 Average' mode samples a 3x3 area around the clicked pixel and uses the resulting 9-pixel average as the input colour. The 'Single Pixel' mode, samples only the precise pixel that was clicked.
Finally, a 'Mask Fuzz' parameter allows for the result to progressively masked in cases where a mask is set.