Activating the NBAccent module functionality, starts with importing a suitable narrowband dataset via the Compose module. The Compose module will extract the relevant channels from the dataset you give it, as directed by its 'NB Accents Type' parameter.
The narrowband dataset is processed in parallel during your workflow; the Bin, Crop, Mirror, Rotate and - most notably - Wipe modules all operate on the narrowband accent dataset in parallel as you process the main luminance (and optionally chrominance) signal.
There are many different ways and techniques of incorporating narrowband data into your workflow. Which method is suitable or desirable, depends on the object, the availability of datasets/bands, and the quality of those available dataset.
The NBAccent module was specifically designed for the most difficult compositing use case; that of using narrowband as means to accentuate detail in a visual spectrum 'master' dataset. In other words, in this use case, the narrowband is used to support, enhance and accentuate small(er) aspects of the final image, rather than as a basis for the initial signal luminance/detail or chrominance/coloring itself. This is a subtle, but tremendously important and consequential distinction.
As such, the narrowband accent dataset is processed entirely independent of the luminance and chrominance signal of the 'master' dataset; it sole purpose is to accentuate detail from the 'master' (luminance/chrominance) dataset through careful - but deliberate - local brightness and/or color manipulation.
If you wish to use the narrowband signal as luminance or chrominance itself, rather than for accentuating luminance or chrominance, then the NBAccent module will not apply, and you should use the Compose module to load your narrowband as luminance and/or chrominance instead.
Given the module's use case, it is best invoked late in the processing flow, after the Color module.
Examples of use cases for the NBAccent module are;
Ideal datasets for augmenting visual spectrum (mono or colour) datasets are Ha datasets, O-III datasets, Ha+O-III datasets or datasets from the popular duo/tri/quadband filters for OSCs and DSLRs such as the Optolong L-Extreme, the STC Duo , the ZWO Duo-Band and other similar filters with narrow spectrum responses.